Interviews & Podcasts
Watch T.C. Morrison joins Pete Turner on his show Break It Down
Watch Tom Morrison’s recent podcast sponsored by the Scoville Library and Noble Horizons
Marshall Miles Interviews Thomas Morrison, Author, “Please Pass the Torts”
Listen to Tom’s recent radio interview with Marshall Miles.
Tom Morrison talks to The Morning Juice Podcast
What’s better than one Tom? How about two! On this week’s episode of The Morning Juice, kglobal’s Tom Frank was joined by our client Tom Morrison who recently published his second book Please Pass The Tort$. The Toms talked all things torts and false advertising law. If you want more of Tom Morrison, we worked with the New York Post on a recent book review ( or you can check out his book on Amazon.
T. C. Morrison’s latest discussion with Scoville Library and Noble Horizons
Marshall Miles Interviews Tom Morrison
Tom recently talked with Marshall Miles on Robin Hood Radio. In it, Tom discusses how he became known as the Dean of False Advertising and some of the absurdities and abuses of the class action process. Take a listen below.
Listen to T. C. Morrison’s interview with Terry Meiners of WHAS Radio, Louisville
In the interview, T.C. Morrison shares hilarious stories of past cases he’s tried that “are crazy enough they should be in his book, including Papa John’s vs Pizza Hut over the slogan “Better Ingredients, Better Pizza.””

T.C. Morrison interviews with the American Museum of Tort Law
T.C. Morrison recently interviewed with the National Tort Museum Director, Rick Newman, sharing his inspiration for the book, insights from his legal career, and the type of humorous adventure readers should expect from Torts R Us.
Watch here

Podcast Interview: T.C. Morrison on “Bold & Blunt”
T. C. Morrison was interviewed by The Washington Times’ Cheryl K. Chumley on her podcast, “Bold & Blunt.” Listen below to hear Morrison’s take on how frivolous lawsuits tie-up the legal system and distract from the necessary litigation that serves the greater public good.
Episode: “Tort Troubles, and the Padding of Lawyers’ Pockets”
Episode description: “The state of America’s legal system, including its abundance of costly, oft-frivolous class action suits, has left the defendant in the dust, the plaintiff in near-poverty, and citizens paying to pad Big Lawyers’ pockets. Tom “T.C.” Morrison has something to make us laugh — a “Torts ‘R’ Us” book of satire about the legal system that draws on his 50 years in the field. When all else fails, it’s good to laugh.”